Some people like BrewDog. Some people love BrewDog. And some people? They really, REALLY love BrewDog.
Here are some of our most committed fans over the years. If you have a story of superfandom, email and we might add you to our wall of love.

A kilt made entirely of cans. Practical? No. Fashionable? Absolutely. We don’t know the identity of this very patriotic punk, who was papped at a music festival swapping the traditional tartan for this homemade creation. Was it you? Email us and we’ll sort you out with enough cans to make another kilt.

You can make walls out of loads of stuff. Some use bricks. Some use straw or hay and live to regret it when big bad wolves come knocking. But @fardell? They used cans of BrewDog beer. A very fine building material, at least until you get thirsty.

We all scribble in our notebooks during meetings, but some scribbles are better than others. @MarkBark66 created this masterpiece, and what we wouldn’t give to sail into Hazy Bay and float away the day on Duopolis Lake. Puts our game of Noughts & Crosses to shame.

Because sometimes a fridge just won’t do. Big weekends need a big stash of beer, and when an ice bucket or bath tub won’t accommodate your needs, a digger makes a fine replacement. Just make sure you hide the keys for the foreseeable future.

Madison and Ryan wooed each other over a pint (or five) of Punk IPA, and the experience proved so integral to their love story that they invited the BrewDog team to come and celebrate at their wedding. No prizes for guessing what beer they’re serving at the wedding.

100 CLUB
Love your job and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s Rich and Jackie’s philosophy, who not only work for BrewDog but have also joined 20 other people in the 100 Club, visiting over 100 BrewDog bars. Have you reached 100 yet? Let us know.

In April 2024 the BrewDog Worldwide community set off on a mission to visit every BrewDog bar in Scotland in 24 hours. They came, they drank a lot of great beer and they conquered the challenge, raising more than £1000 for charity while they did it. Legendary stuff.

Our fans show their dedication in different ways. Some buy a lot of beer, collect every badge or wear an impressive array of our merch. But Cameron Younger truly showed his dedication by getting our logo tattooed on his skin. Craft beer devotion, inked on for life.

We’re no stranger to slightly odd collaborations. We’ve made beer for dogs, scented beer deodorant and candles, but even we’ve never thought of making beer clogs like this superfan in Holland. Look out for BrewClogs on ASOS in the not too distant future.